Tender For tender for supply of solar radiationmeasurement equipments - datalogger with enclosure and mounting accessories and usb pen drive 16 gb or more for data retrieval , appilcation software for data retireval and display in desktop pc or laptop at srs site and cable with connectors , pyranometer and its installation accersories and with 25 m cable and and connectors , pyranometer with diffuse shading ring and its installation accersories and with 25 m cable and and connectors , pyrgeometer with 25 m cable and and connectors , sunshine duration sensors with 25 m cable and and connectors , uv index and with 25 m cable and connectors , laptop for datalogger configuration , workstations and with 1 kva ups online , battery smf 100 ah 12 v and electric charge controller with enclosures and all its accessories , hard copy and soft copy in usb drive of operation and maintenance manuals , training of imd officials for 2 working days at imd pune in hybrid mode